Monday, July 26, 2010

Baju Kurung Secara Consignment

Saya menjemput pembuat dan pembekal baju kurung untuk menjual produk anda di Kedai CekLee Collection secara consignment. Produk anda akan dipamirkan di Hypermarket Giant Tampoi, Johor. Sekiranya tuan dan puan berminat bolehlah hubungi kami melalui telefon atau email seperti tertera di bawah mukasurat ini.


From Wikipedia,
Consignment is the act of consigning, which is placing a person or thing in the hand of another, but retaining ownership until the goods are sold or person is transferred. This may be done for shipping, transfer of prisoners, or for sale in a store (i.e. a consignment shop).

Features of consignment are:

  1. The relation between the two parties is that of consignor and consignee and not that of buyer and seller
  2. The consignor is entitled to receive all the expenses in connection with consignment
  3. The consignee is not responsible for damage of goods during transport or any other procedure.
  4. Goods are sold at the risk of consignor. The profit or loss belongs to consignor only.